

Each lacquer piece is a work of art, crafted with love and meticulous care of talented craftsmen. After a period of use, it can get old and dusty if we don’t know how to maintain it properly. In order to help consumers retaining the original value of their lacquer furniture, Hanoia’s experts want to give them some advices.

Question: Is there anything special in maintaining Hanoia’s lacquer furniture?
Answer: It takes a lot of time and effort to complete a lacquer product, so the maintenance work is definitely more difficult and complicated. Furthermore, a lacquer piece may combine different materials such as wood, lacquer, cloth, leather, metal etc. so you should be aware of the characteristics of each material to keep your furniture in good condition.

Q: What is the biggest enemy of lacquer?
A: The sunshine. The ultraviolet rays of sunlight will damage and age the lacquer surface. Therefore, you should place your lacquer furniture in areas without direct sunlight. Besides, high humidity is also another enemy of lacquer, so a balanced environment without sudden changes in temperature is ideal for lacquer furniture.

Q: Are there things to further avoid when using lacquer furniture?
A: Lacquer is known for its shininess, smoothness and transparency, so almost its damages are caused by hard or sharp objects. So the next thing is to avoid these objects to come in contact with lacquer surface. For extra care, you should even use coasters, trays or tablecloths to protect the lacquer surface during use. You should also lift and place objects instead of gliding them on the lacquer surface.

Q: How to clean the lacquer surface?
A: In the first two weeks after purchasing, you should vacuum your lacquer furniture on regular basis. Do not let the tip of the vacuum cleaner come into contact with the lacquer surface to prevent scratching. Then after that, you can clean the lacquer surface with a dry and soft cloth. Avoid highly acidic cleaning agents and hot/cold water.

Q: What are the precautions when cleaning other materials?
A: In addition to lacquer, Hanoia’s furniture collection includes wood, veneer, leather, fabric, stone, brass, glass and metal accessories. In general, the maintenance of these materials is similar to lacquer, for example, to avoid direct contact with sunlight, to avoid rapid fluctuations in temperature and humidity, to keep the product away from sharp or hard objects etc. Besides, you should also pay attention to the specifications of each material. For example, the wood is combustible so it shouldn’t be placed near sources of heat and when serving hot food and drinks, you should use protective mat. Leather should be cleaned with slightly damp cloth. When there is a stain on the leather surface, you should use a damp piece of foam to dip into a weak cleaning agent. Test on a small patch of leather that is not easily visible to check if there is any undesirable effect on the surface, then place the product in airy environment to dry after cleaning, avoid direct heat such as hair dryer to dry the leather surface. For fabric, the maintenance is simpler. You can remove them to dry-wash or wash by hand with soap without bleach. The stone seems to be the most stable material but in fact, it is easy to yellowing and the best way to clean it is to use an agent with neutral pH level. Brass should also be cleaned with an agent with a neutral pH, then wiped with a dry cloth.

Hanoia wish you a nice and pleasant living space.

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